
وفاة بطل كمال الأجسام الإنكليزي لوك ساندو عن عمر 30 عام

توفي لاعب كمال الأجسام الإنجليزي لوك ساندو اليوم الخميس (7 مايو / أيار 2020)  عن عمر يناهز 30 عامًا .

واكتشف وفاة  لوك ساندو لوك ساندو صديقه هولينجشيد الذي  وجد البطل العالمي جثة هامدة في منزله .

ولم يتم الكشف رسميا عن سبب وفاة لوك ساندو كما لم يتم تحديد تاريخ وفاته رغم التقارير الإعلامية  التي تحدثت عن سوء الحالة النفسية لساندو بالفترة الأخيرة .

وكانت مجلة Generation Iron المتخصصة بأخبار كمال الأجسام قد رجحت انتحار ساندو .

الراحل لوك ساندو مع عائلته

ونعى الكثير من أبطال كمال الأجسام لوك ساندو حيث كتب البطل المصري بيج رامي كلمات عزاء مؤثرة  قال فيها :

“أخبار حزينة جدا تلقيتها للتو ،  حزين جدالوفاة شقيقنا الحديدي lukesandoe سنتذكرك كإنسان عظيم ورياضي عظيم “.

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Very sad news i just received…im very saddened by the death of our iron brother @lukesandoe we will remember you as a great human and a great athlete. ..your great humanity.. Shining smile and your crazy most muscular.. I wish a lots of courage and strength to his wife, family and close friends…we had a good conversation a couple months ago in the gym when we trained next to each other right after the last arnold…i told him how much i looked forward to see him battling it out with the top guys of our division very soon.. And im very sad that it will never happen… But you leave a great legacy my friend… I wanna take those few lines to talk to my fans…tomorrow is guaranteed to nobody especially during this worldwide pandemic so i want my friends to think about the meaning of life and find their own truth… cause sometimes the rush in life take us away from God… But one day we will be brought back to him.. Know your past to know your future…

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كما نعاه اسطورة كمال الأجسام و بطل مستر اولمبيا 7 مرات فيل هيث مؤكدا على الأخلاق الحميدة التي كان يتمتع بها لوك ساندو مستذكرا كيف كان لوك يطلب نصائح رياضية منه .

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Once I heard the news today of Luke Sandoe’s passing, I truly couldn’t believe it. As I tried to get answers, the texts, DMs began to flood in and it was then confirmed that one of our Brother’s In Iron passed away. What has hurt so much is that although Luke and I weren’t very close, we did share some cool moments while I was in the UK last July. I can still remember him asking me if i would take a look at his physique as he was preparing for a couple shows prior to the Olympia. During those moments, I realized very quickly just how genuine Luke was and how passionately present he stood there while giving him advice. Rarely am I asked to give an honest critique of a fellow Pro’s physique, let alone from someone who has competed at the Olympia, so feeling this vibe of him being so humble, hard working and intelligent was something special to me. I am saddened at this news along with many fans around the world, but one thing I would like for us to do is continue to uplift his family through positive vibes and prayer as his kids, Louise and Leo lost their SuperHeroDad not to mention his parents, siblings and other loved ones. Luke’s ability and potential was something I wish I could have seen come into fruition because honestly, that was exactly why I even chatted with him in the first place. Damn, this is yet another tough loss, but I will continue to remember you Luke as the Man whom I shared some great times with and will continue to pray for your family. Rest in POWER LUKE!!!!! #LukeTheLegend 💪🏽✊🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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كما نعاه فليكس لويس بطل مستر أولمبيا الفئة الثانية لمرات عديدة حيث وضع صورة لوك ساندو على حساب الانستغرام ارفقها برسالة مؤثرة.

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I have tried to write something several times and can’t find the words to do it. It feels like DejaVu two young men gone long before they should have. – I have known Luke for over a decade we were both sponsored by Gaspari, seen him win his pro card and watch his career grow into Signing with RedCon1, Podcasts, and on stage placing 3rd at the Arnold’s- Very proud. We got closer over the years, and not a week would go by without some shit talk from him. Luke was a very funny guy and his humor I will miss. We rarely talked training, and i knew Luke was a deep guy but I never knew he was hurting. Rest Well bro. – – – ANYONE who feels low, with suicidal thoughts or mental illness, know your never alone and to please reach out to someone and talk, there are many professional organizations that want to help.

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يذكر ان لوك ساندو شارك ببطولة مستر أولمبيا الأخيرة في عام 2019 وحاز على المركز الحادي عشر.


كاتب ومحرر لدى موقع Zarkachat.com، متخصص في تقديم محتوى متنوع يغطي أحدث الأخبار والموضوعات التقنية والتعليمية والترفيهية. يسعى إلى تزويد القارئ بمعلومات دقيقة وموثوقة بأسلوب بسيط ومفهوم، مع الحرص على تقديم محتوى يواكب اهتمامات الجمهور العربي.

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